Are You a Baby Eater? A4 Poster (Teacher Version)
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One of our most popular posters. "One of the things that constantly shocks people I speak to is how young farmed animals are before they are killed. Despite advertising and other popular notions to the contrary, farms are not benign places for farmed animals. Most are intensive factories designed to get animals from birth to slaughter in the quickest time possible. They are certainly not sanctuaries. The positive is, of course, all this death is avoidable. No farmed animal - regardless of whatever age they are - has to die for you if you choose to stop eating meat, eggs and dairy products. The best way to end the suffering of animals is to go vegan - or at least start in that direction." Justin Kerswell, Viva! campaigns manager.
About Viva!
Viva!’s fight is a fight for life – for animals and ourselves. Through effective campaigning, we take the brutal reality of intensive farming to the people who can effect the most change: consumers. Our wide-ranging campaigns promote veganism as the best way to save animals from suffering, protect the environment, improve health and help those in developing countries.
We have cleared most shelves of so-called ‘exotic meats’; our campaign against factory farming of pigs, turkeys and ducks aw deaths dive; we are closer than ever to a foie-gras free Britain and meat and dairy consumption are down in the UK thanks to Viva! and you. Viva! is a registered charity (1037486).