Seedball Beetle Mix Tin Viva! Shop

Seedball Beetle Mix Tin


Regular price £6.50 Sale

The ideal mix to attract ladybirds and pollinating beetles – who are super important to our garden ecosystems. Did you know that many beetles are important pollinators who pollinated the first flowers 140 million years ago at the time of dinosaurs?

Flowers in the Carrot or Umbellifer family (Apiaceae), and those with multiple flower heads, seem to be particularly attractive – making our mix of flowers perfect for beetles. Each ball contains approximately 30 seeds per ball, and each tin will provide coverage for 1 square metre in a garden, or 3-5 medium sized pots. Best scattered in Spring or Autumn

Includes borage, cornflower, corn marigold, evening primrose, wallflower and night-scented stock.

  • Easy to use
  • Made in the UK
  • No chemicals or pesticides
  • Best scattered in Spring or Autumn
  • Each ball contains approximately 30 seeds per ball, and each tin will provide coverage for 1 square metre in a garden, or 3-5 medium sized pots
  • All seeds are responsibly sourced in the UK from Flora Locale accredited suppliers, only peat-free compost is used and the steel tins are manufactured in London (with the help of a solar farm on the factory roof).

How to use

Throw onto soil or compost in a garden bed or planter in Spring or Autumn, leaving at least 10cm between each ball. Your Seedball has everything it needs to grow and, once the ball becomes moist and the temperature is right, your seeds will germinate!



Common Knapweed (Centaurea nigra)

Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus)

Cow Parsley (Anthriscus sylvestris)

Field Scabious (Knautia arvensis)

Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)

Great Burnet (Sanguisorba officinalis)

Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)

Seed balls are made from a unique blend of seed, clay (to protect the seed from ants, mice, birds etc.) peat free compost (to give seeds a boost) and chilli powder (an extra predator deterrent).

Meet the Maker

Emily and Ana, the creators of Seedball, want to fill the world with wildflowers - starting with your garden!

Seedball is a non-profit company on a massive mission to help increase the abundance of British wildflowers and wildlife that depend upon them. They believe that if we can all better use whatever space we have available to us (whether a back garden, balcony, window box, little patio etc) we can together have a hugely beneficial impact on our local ecosystems. The last 50 years has been witness to huge declines in pollinators and other garden wildlife, but together we can really really do something to reverse this. Emily and Ana want Seedball to inspire a wildlife gardening revolution while providing a very handy way of going about it! Conservation is in their heart and soul and one day they dream to fund their own Seedball wildflower reserves. Watch this space!!!